Due to popular demand I have been working on a whole new section, especially designed with the intention of beautifying the photos before cum editing them.

The section consists of 4 features:

Smooth Wrinkles

This was definitely the most wanted. It’s a frequent occurrence to cumshot edit your own home made pornographic photos (I know I did) and you may want to play with the appearance of your female. You know how she looked when she was younger, so why not smoothen her wrinkles a bit for maximum impact and pleasure.
The feature is basically a very smart automatic color editing, which will make some of the blackened or and any other lines less noticeable. You will be able to push it until you are satisfied, adding up the effects.

Color Mask / Colorize Theme

These are the second 2 features and take care of the color palette in a more manual manner. They can definitely be used to enhance, say, effects of lipstick or any other beautifying features you may think of.


It’s a gallery of useful makeup realistic photos. You will be able to add: wigs, eyebrows, lashes, blushers, eyes, eyeshadows, fingernails, and tattoos. More options is always better, as long as they are simple to use.

The new section was an ambitious project and it definitely showed me my limitations as just a single guy working on it. With all the content updates, my love, and passion poured into the project, Cumshot Editor has been doing amazingly well lately, and I feel most of these money should be returned to the community in the form of new content and functionalities. That’s why I’ve been considering hiring additional full time help, including a second flash coder. I’ll be sure to let you know of any updates on the matter.

Thank you for all your support and enjoy!
